Feb 03,2018 Jul 27,2024

Klassy koupons - Groupon Clone Script

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Clone of :

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Keyword :
groupon clone groupon clone script group buying script php groupon clone

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Description :
Tibsolutions Groupon clone script the best group buying software which help you to launch your own daily deal website an instantly. Standard Features: • Social Login • City and Product Search • Reviews and Comments • PayPal Adaptive • Multi Language • Multi Currency • Coupon Code • Wish lists Features • User and Merchant Management • SEO friendly URL • Unique Dashboard for Merchant and User • Merchant Add Main deals • Easy to manage deals • User-friendly Functionality • Responsive Platform • Merchant Login Admin Features: • Deal Management • Order Management • Commission Management • General Settings • User Management • Category Management • Attribute Management • Payment Gateway Settings • Country Management • State Management • City Management • Currency Management • Language Management • Review Management • FAQ Management • Enquiry Management Merchant Features: • Deal Management • Order Management • Merchant Settings • Transaction History Demo url: http://groupon.tibsolutions.com/ http://groupon.tibsolutions.com/admin/login User Name : groupon@tibsolutions.com Password : 1234567 http://groupon.tibsolutions.com/merchant/login MERCHANT CREDENTIAL User Name : grouponmerchant@tibsolutions.com Password : 1234567 Product enquiries can be made through the company’s website: https://www.tibsolutions.com For more information, please contact: Mobile Number: +91–9786811004 Email: info@tibsolutions.com

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