Feb 24,2014 Nov 10,2015

MySpace Clone Script

MySpace Clone Script
MySpace is one of the best audio/video sharing website which can be used to enhanced network for friends creating interactive online resource library. Messages can be exchanged, can create business relationship etc.


Browse MySpace Clone Scripts

Ludo Game Clone Script

Ludo Game Clone Script

0/5 - 1 Votes

Ludo is one of the most popular board game. In this game, players run their tokens to complete the round first. The one who will be able to complete round of four tokens will be the winner. Players could be 2 to 4 in this game. Because of the advancement of technology, Ludo game clone script is also available on mobile devices. In the mobile game maximum player could be six. And the interesting thing is, a single player can play it with the computer also. BR Softech is a leading Ludo game development company with a team of experienced game d...

MySpace Clone

MySpace Clone

5/5 - 1 Votes
  • NCrypted Technologies
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  • MySpace
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  • PHP
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  • Commercial
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Audio/Video sharing over internet is one of the booming trends in market and people are developing their own site to create website like music portal. MySpace Clone is one among the famous audio/video sharing site after YouTube. So you can customize your own to launch Audio/Video website online.

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